

As many of you may know, in March, I signed up for a Habitat for Humanity volunteer build in Kuching, Malaysia, scheduled for July 2013. Due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding a delay in confirming our team, including ongoing complications with flight availability & ticket pricing, my participation in this build had to be postponed. As I came to terms with my disappointment & my less-than-exciting reality, I was surprised to find a "gift". I was informed by my group leader that she was also taking a team to Nunavut in August. Shortly after our long-distance check-in, and an overview of the build details, I was selected to participate!! I would have never guessed that when this journey began that I would be diverted from the island of Borneo to the island of Baffin! Bring on the great northern adventure!!

Just a short introduction - Iqaluit is the capital city of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, and is situated well above the tree-line in the rugged hills & tundra overlooking Koojesse Inlet. Iqaluit is located on Baffin Island which is only accessible by air & sea or, in winter, by dogsled or snowmobile. As the gateway to the arctic, this community is known 
for Inuit inspired culture, artwork, history and architecture. At the top of the world, under the mid-night sun, there is a desperate need for affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity Iqaluit has a mission to mobilize volunteers & community partners in building affordable housing and promoting home ownership as a means of breaking the cycle of poverty in the region. The government of Nunavut currently owns over 4,000 public housing units, of which there is an annual expense that exceeds $100 million dollars; representing 12% of it's annual budget. This financial burden is expected to escalate as the $56 million dollars provided annually by the Canadian Housing & Mortgage Corporation declines steadily over the next few years, eventually reaching zero in 2037. On arrival at the Iqaluit build site, our team of volunteers will be given specific work-related tasks, but we have been advised to expect a variety of jobs including carrying materials, cutting wood, nailing, installing siding, installing insulation & drywall. We can expect temperatures to be in the range of 2c-10c, with unpredictable weather conditions & cold winds, so it has been recommended to pack clothing layers, rain/wind gear, and to be prepared for mosquito season. 

Global Village - Itinerary

Sat, Aug 10     Arrival
Sun, Aug 11     Sight Seeing
Mon, Aug 12    Build Day
Tue, Aug 13    Build Day
Wed, Aug 14   Build Day &
                      Cultural Activity
Thu, Aug 15    Build Day
Fri, Aug 16      Build Day
Sat, Aug 17     1/2 Build Day &
                    Closing Ceremony
Sun, Aug 18    Return Home

Note: The itinerary is tentative until the trip details are confirmed by Habitat.

Our team of twelve will stay in two fully furnished townhouses provided by Habitat Iqaluit. Kitchens are fully equipped for the team to prepare our own breakfasts & dinners. As the cost of living & many everyday grocery items are priced very high due to Iqaluit's isolated location, our individual team members will be provided a list of grocery items to bring with them. As well, each team member or "chef" will choose a meal to prepare for the team, and will need to pack these items as well. The team lunch & snacks will be provided on-site, at the build location.

This trip to Iqaluit will cost $1750, plus the $100 for the R&R activity. This includes round-trip airfare from Ottawa (with First Air), local lodging, food costs, ground transportation, travellers medical insurance, orientation materials and a donation to the Global Village Program. Participants will need to arrange and pay for air transportation from their point of origin to Ottawa. This arrangement should be done in consultation with the team leader.

Team Leader
"My name is Johanna Fernandez and I'm thrilled to be going on this Global Village trip! I've been on GV builds in Tajikistan, Alaska, Thailand, Fiji, Romania, El Salvador, Costa Rica and five builds in Chile. This will be my tenth time leading a team. I'm hoping to continue being a part of this wonderful program for a long time."

Should you have any questions about this build, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Until next time, 


My family and I will be fundraising over the next few weeks, as well as participating in volunteer opportunities & fundraisers with Habitat PEI . We'd appreciate the support & generosity of our community and we welcome your feedback! Help us meet our fundraising goal or assist in creating awareness of this fantastic organization. To sponsor our participation see my personalised
 Giving Page for Habitat Iqaluit.

For general information about the Global Village Program see:

To apply for this, or any other Global Village trip, see:

"If you have a love for adventure, and a passion for world cultures, this Global Village trip may be for you! Our team members will have a heart to serve and be open to learning. Flexibility and adaptability are essential. No previous construction skills or experience is required - just a willingness to serve people in need. In return, you will be rewarded with an experience of a lifetime." - Habitat Global Village

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