

The journey to Nunavut has been moving along incredibly fast!! When things are meant to be, they just fall into place!

First, and foremost, our official build-team has been confirmed! There was a tremendous amount of interest in this build, therefore the participant space filled very quickly. Our group leader confirmed thirteen volunteers for our Habitat Iqaluit build and she recently sent us a short biography of each team member. We have a fantastic team, including: a therapeutic recreation student, a recent teacher's college graduate, an RCMP crime prevention coordinator, an aboriginal labour market policy analyst, a bridge engineer, an ordained minister & foster parent, a certified carpenter, a systems analyst, stay-at-home moms (one Mom is bringing her teenage son), a teacher for at-risk children with learning challenges (yeee-ah Paul, who is my cousin-in-law).....and ME!

Soon after our team was confirmed, we received an email from our Global Village group leader to proceed with the purchase of our airline tickets. A BIG thank you to First Air for providing our team with significantly discounted airfare between Ottawa and Iqaluit!! Also, I am very grateful that I was able to make use of my travel reward points! Thank you to Seditia at RBC who helped me figure out how to save $600 on my Air Canada, Charlottetown - Ottawa flights! Also, thank you to The Travel Store for confirming my travel insurance. I wouldn't go anywhere without it.

....and yes, I purchased a pink hammer!
As well, just a short update on fundraising. In one week, my family has raised about 42% of our fundraising goal!! Thank you so very much to those that are helping support this build! Our team couldn't do this without the generous support of our community! To donate and help support my volunteer participation with Habitat for Humanity, please visit My Sponsorship Page

This week, I'll be attending the Habitat PEI volunteer information night, in order to plan & prepare for the PEI Women's Build starting on May 25th! Rain or shine, I'll be there! Excited!! Thank you to the staff at Mark's Work Warehouse in Charlottetown for helping me find work-boots that will help protect my toes, for both builds! They are waterproof, but also metal free & very light, but the extra bonus is that they won't beep at airport security!

Until next time!


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