

....just thought I'd share the team blog! Check it out at HFH Team Blog





It's almost TIME! Get pack'in, fly'in & build'in!

Our team recently received the Habitat Iqaluit, Tunngasugitsi (or welcome) newsletter that provided us with a general overview of what to expect in Nunavut. So, here are a few of the details....


We've been told to prepare for rain, snow, wind, and bugs and temperatures in the average range of 3C-10C. Habitat Iqaluit has recommended packing layers of clothing, a wind resistant jacket, hats, mits, and sturdy walking shoes (as well as our steel-toed boots). I've also packed work gloves, rain gear, a mesh mosquito head net (and repellent), as well as a sleep mask, for the extra hours of sunlight. I'm not sure I'll be ready for a sunrise wake-up call at 4am!  Hey, just checked the Weather Network forecast....no snow! ;)


Our team of 12 will be accommodated in two, three-bedroom townhouses, located near downtown Iqaluit. Each townhouse has a fully equipped kitchen as well as a washer/dryer. What a luxury on a GV build! We've also been told that we no longer have to pack air mattresses or sleeping bags, as bedding is being supplied. That means more room in the suitcase! We have been asked to bring laundry detergent, two rolls of toilet paper per team member, our own pillowcase & a towel.


Lunches will be provided on the build site each day. As I have an adventurous appetite, I'm hopeful that we will have an opportunity to try most of the traditional local cuisine. Perhaps BBQ Tuktu (Caribou), arctic char (fish), bannock (bread) and seal meat, which is usually served raw or frozen.

Breakfast, as well as most of our dinners, will be prepared by our team within our townhouses. As grocery items are considerably more expensive in the north, our team leader has provided each volunteer with a list of specific items to bring in their luggage. Many of the team members have volunteered to prepare a dinner. In my case, I'm go'in local! :) PEI potatoes with fresh, island-grown vegetables from Balderston's Farm Market with a side of dressing & cranberry sauce for the....HUGE grain fed, PEI turkey! Thank you so very much to Rosemary at Larkin Brothers for the delicious donation!

Other Mentions:
  • Internet is not available at the townhouses, but can be accessed at the library or the Caribrew Cafe! :)
  • Only cell phones using Bell Mobility will work in Iqaluit. iPhones and other 3G/4G smart phones do not work regardless of provider.
  • Alcohol: Iqaluit is a controlled community, which means there are no liquor stores. Alcohol is served in licensed restaurants & bars. If you bring some with you, there are limitations, otherwise a liquor permit is required.
  • It's going to take 24 hours to travel to Iqaluit, but there is only a 1 hour time difference! :)

The Habitat Build

Like most Global Village builds, volunteers are provided with their work duties, on arrival at the build site. However, as this build began in June, I've been watching the Habitat Iqaluit Facebook Page for updates! It looks like we might be working on the house interior, as the drywall & insulation were recently installed. I cannot wait to get started and I'm looking forward to meeting the home owner, Joanna Awa, as well as the rest of our Habitat team!

Also, a BIG thank you to everyone for supporting my participation in this build!

I look forward to sharing the adventure story with you, when I return home.


PS - Check out Rick Mercer's hilarious visit to Iqaluit, including a road trip to No Where!  RMR: Iqaluit



This spring, as part of my fundraising efforts, as well as part of my "training" plan for Nunavut, I decided to volunteer on the Habitat
PEI Women's Build. On day one, despite the seriously damp weather on the official "wall-raising" day, it was humbling to be among a group of volunteers who just know how to show up and gett'er done. It was incredibly rewarding work. Bring on the blisters, bruises, sweat, aching muscles...it was fun! As anticipated, I became instantly addicted to the teamwork and comradery, so I wasn't surprised when I went into auto-completion mode and found myself signing up for additional build days. Me & my pink hammer have built & framed walls, hiked building supplies over our shoulder, hammered too many nails to count, built a mini-shed, installed a door, measured and then measured twice, levelled, climbed and re-climbed scaffolding, literally raised a roof, learned how to "bend" a 2x6, cut and installed siding, and then some. Thank you to the team for my "training" days! A significantly HUGE thank you to Don, the build site manager, for sharing his knowledge, for keeping our work fun as well as challenging, and most especially for his patience when answering my numerous "girlie" questions, with a smile. How am I supposed to know what a "soffit" is? ....and don't even get me started on measuring-tape fraction conversions expected in 1/16 of a second!! :)

A big thank you to my hubby for joining me for a day on the build-site and volunteering his time. At first, I wasn't too sure about "the family that builds together stays together", but I think once he realised that telling a woman what to do when she has a power tool in her hand, may not be the best idea! (LOL) We had a great time! Also, a BIG thank you to the mini-Poirier's for their thoughtful and caring idea to deliver popsicles to the volunteers after a very long, and warm roofing day. Me loves my kiddos.
In addition to our hands-on volunteer work for the Women's Build, on June 8th, the Poirier kids also helped to support Habitat for Humanity by running in the first ever Runway Run at the Charlottetown Airport. Despite the remnants of tropical storm Andrea, our children were cleared for take-off! We had a great time in the rain! Proud Mum.

Should you wish to make a donation to support the Habitat for Humanity Global Village Program, as well as sponsor the Poirier Family's efforts to participate, raise funds, and create awareness for this amazing organization, please see our personalised Giving Page!

Until next time, gratefully,





The journey to Nunavut has been moving along incredibly fast!! When things are meant to be, they just fall into place!

First, and foremost, our official build-team has been confirmed! There was a tremendous amount of interest in this build, therefore the participant space filled very quickly. Our group leader confirmed thirteen volunteers for our Habitat Iqaluit build and she recently sent us a short biography of each team member. We have a fantastic team, including: a therapeutic recreation student, a recent teacher's college graduate, an RCMP crime prevention coordinator, an aboriginal labour market policy analyst, a bridge engineer, an ordained minister & foster parent, a certified carpenter, a systems analyst, stay-at-home moms (one Mom is bringing her teenage son), a teacher for at-risk children with learning challenges (yeee-ah Paul, who is my cousin-in-law).....and ME!

Soon after our team was confirmed, we received an email from our Global Village group leader to proceed with the purchase of our airline tickets. A BIG thank you to First Air for providing our team with significantly discounted airfare between Ottawa and Iqaluit!! Also, I am very grateful that I was able to make use of my travel reward points! Thank you to Seditia at RBC who helped me figure out how to save $600 on my Air Canada, Charlottetown - Ottawa flights! Also, thank you to The Travel Store for confirming my travel insurance. I wouldn't go anywhere without it.

....and yes, I purchased a pink hammer!
As well, just a short update on fundraising. In one week, my family has raised about 42% of our fundraising goal!! Thank you so very much to those that are helping support this build! Our team couldn't do this without the generous support of our community! To donate and help support my volunteer participation with Habitat for Humanity, please visit My Sponsorship Page

This week, I'll be attending the Habitat PEI volunteer information night, in order to plan & prepare for the PEI Women's Build starting on May 25th! Rain or shine, I'll be there! Excited!! Thank you to the staff at Mark's Work Warehouse in Charlottetown for helping me find work-boots that will help protect my toes, for both builds! They are waterproof, but also metal free & very light, but the extra bonus is that they won't beep at airport security!

Until next time!




As many of you may know, in March, I signed up for a Habitat for Humanity volunteer build in Kuching, Malaysia, scheduled for July 2013. Due to unforeseen circumstances surrounding a delay in confirming our team, including ongoing complications with flight availability & ticket pricing, my participation in this build had to be postponed. As I came to terms with my disappointment & my less-than-exciting reality, I was surprised to find a "gift". I was informed by my group leader that she was also taking a team to Nunavut in August. Shortly after our long-distance check-in, and an overview of the build details, I was selected to participate!! I would have never guessed that when this journey began that I would be diverted from the island of Borneo to the island of Baffin! Bring on the great northern adventure!!

Just a short introduction - Iqaluit is the capital city of the Canadian territory of Nunavut, and is situated well above the tree-line in the rugged hills & tundra overlooking Koojesse Inlet. Iqaluit is located on Baffin Island which is only accessible by air & sea or, in winter, by dogsled or snowmobile. As the gateway to the arctic, this community is known 
for Inuit inspired culture, artwork, history and architecture. At the top of the world, under the mid-night sun, there is a desperate need for affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity Iqaluit has a mission to mobilize volunteers & community partners in building affordable housing and promoting home ownership as a means of breaking the cycle of poverty in the region. The government of Nunavut currently owns over 4,000 public housing units, of which there is an annual expense that exceeds $100 million dollars; representing 12% of it's annual budget. This financial burden is expected to escalate as the $56 million dollars provided annually by the Canadian Housing & Mortgage Corporation declines steadily over the next few years, eventually reaching zero in 2037. On arrival at the Iqaluit build site, our team of volunteers will be given specific work-related tasks, but we have been advised to expect a variety of jobs including carrying materials, cutting wood, nailing, installing siding, installing insulation & drywall. We can expect temperatures to be in the range of 2c-10c, with unpredictable weather conditions & cold winds, so it has been recommended to pack clothing layers, rain/wind gear, and to be prepared for mosquito season. 

Global Village - Itinerary

Sat, Aug 10     Arrival
Sun, Aug 11     Sight Seeing
Mon, Aug 12    Build Day
Tue, Aug 13    Build Day
Wed, Aug 14   Build Day &
                      Cultural Activity
Thu, Aug 15    Build Day
Fri, Aug 16      Build Day
Sat, Aug 17     1/2 Build Day &
                    Closing Ceremony
Sun, Aug 18    Return Home

Note: The itinerary is tentative until the trip details are confirmed by Habitat.

Our team of twelve will stay in two fully furnished townhouses provided by Habitat Iqaluit. Kitchens are fully equipped for the team to prepare our own breakfasts & dinners. As the cost of living & many everyday grocery items are priced very high due to Iqaluit's isolated location, our individual team members will be provided a list of grocery items to bring with them. As well, each team member or "chef" will choose a meal to prepare for the team, and will need to pack these items as well. The team lunch & snacks will be provided on-site, at the build location.

This trip to Iqaluit will cost $1750, plus the $100 for the R&R activity. This includes round-trip airfare from Ottawa (with First Air), local lodging, food costs, ground transportation, travellers medical insurance, orientation materials and a donation to the Global Village Program. Participants will need to arrange and pay for air transportation from their point of origin to Ottawa. This arrangement should be done in consultation with the team leader.

Team Leader
"My name is Johanna Fernandez and I'm thrilled to be going on this Global Village trip! I've been on GV builds in Tajikistan, Alaska, Thailand, Fiji, Romania, El Salvador, Costa Rica and five builds in Chile. This will be my tenth time leading a team. I'm hoping to continue being a part of this wonderful program for a long time."

Should you have any questions about this build, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Until next time, 


My family and I will be fundraising over the next few weeks, as well as participating in volunteer opportunities & fundraisers with Habitat PEI . We'd appreciate the support & generosity of our community and we welcome your feedback! Help us meet our fundraising goal or assist in creating awareness of this fantastic organization. To sponsor our participation see my personalised
 Giving Page for Habitat Iqaluit.

For general information about the Global Village Program see:

To apply for this, or any other Global Village trip, see:

"If you have a love for adventure, and a passion for world cultures, this Global Village trip may be for you! Our team members will have a heart to serve and be open to learning. Flexibility and adaptability are essential. No previous construction skills or experience is required - just a willingness to serve people in need. In return, you will be rewarded with an experience of a lifetime." - Habitat Global Village


I have created a personalised sponsorship page for the Global Village Iqaluit Build! All charitable donations made on this page will be forwarded to Habitat for Humanity Canada, with a significant portion of the donation directed to the local affiliate - Habitat Iqaluit. In addition to this, funds also contribute to the team travel expenses such as accommodation & meals during the build.

To help support Habitat for Humanity and my participation in the Global Village Iqaluit Build, you can make your donation online at: Habitat for Humanity - Giving Page 

Don't forget that all donations of $20 or more are eligible for a charitable tax receipt!

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing the adventure with you.

ᖁᔭᓇᐃᓐᓂ / Thank you!